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Throwback Thursday - Week 1

Updated: Jul 26, 2020

The last thirty odd days under lockdown measures have made times very difficult for all South Africans and the global population. Our lives have been forever changed, Blackbird-Golf have decided to change the way we are going to coach going forward into the new normal.

We have taken on the challenge of expanding our online lessons as a option for people who, one will continue not to be able to get to us after a relax in lockdown measures and secondly for all our clients all over the globe. This was once a Randpark Club Members benefit only. Powered by CoachNow we feel we can offer the same high standards of lessons in a digital way.

We have taken steps in providing @home golfing solutions more of this will be released as we find the best solutions for you. Our Wellputt Mats will be at the heart of our @home.

With the golf industry in a big struggle and an estimated third of clubs facing closure due to Coronavirus the golf industry will have to be brave and think outside of the box going forward in order to survive.

I believe we could see three tiers of golf in South Africa going forward:

1. The Superclubs

2. Estate Clubs

3. Public courses

What we could see more of:

1. Simulation golf venues

2. Home simulation solutions - all these are easily gamified

3. Single tee starts

4. Virtual prize givings

5. Massive uptake in golf at school level

6. More people taking golf lessons as their form of exercise and personal improvement

As to how things involve are a guess.

Let me know your thoughts?

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